Cost of IVF abroad
The low cost of IVF treatments - this the reason why most patients decide to go abroad for their fertility journey. But there are some things that need to be taken into your calculations.
The low cost of IVF treatments - this the reason why most patients decide to go abroad for their fertility journey. But there are some things that need to be taken into your calculations.
IVF treatment with donor eggs is a solution for patients who due to their medical situation and diagnosis cannot use their eggs for fertilization. At Klinika Bocian every year we perform hundreds of IVF cycles with donor eggs.
Finding the best IVF clinic abroad can be a challenge. What if IVF fails first time? Why is IVF expensive? Will staff be pleasant, and will they speak the language I am speaking? We have tried to answer some of most popular questions and hopefully help you to make your mind.
It is estimated that up to 25 million people in the European Union struggle with infertility. Many of them require specialized tests and treatments, including in vitro fertilization (IVF). An increasing number of Europeans, as well as people from other parts of the world, consider Poland an attractive destination for infertility treatment. The country is home to modern IVF clinics that achieve high treatment success rates. These clinics offer both in vitro fertilization using patients' own gametes and procedures involving donor reproductive cells or embryos. Furthermore, the latest changes and significant financial support from the government have positioned Poland as having one of the best public IVF programs among EU countries. Private IVF treatments are also competitively priced, especially compared to Western European countries.
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