M.D., Ph. D
Monika Majcher


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Graduate of the 2nd Faculty of Medicine with the English-speaking Department at the Medical University of Lublin. She specialized in gynecology and obstetrics. She gained professional experience working, among others, in the Gynecology Department and the Obstetrics Department with the Pregnancy Pathology Department of the Provincial Specialist Hospital im. Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego in Lublin, as well as in the Department of Pediatric and Girls' Gynecology of the University Children's Hospital in Lublin. She also completed internships abroad, including: Norway, Italy, Thailand, Portugal. While working, she pays particular attention to a high level of communication with the patient and continuous improvement of her qualifications.

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Education and training:

Education and training:

  • Faculty of Medicine, Medical University in Lublin
  • Medical University in Lublin, doctoral studies
  • Люблінський медичний університет, докторантура
  • Kvinneklinikken - Bergen, Norway
  • Spedali Civili di Brescia, Italy
  • Ramathibodi Hospital, Bangkok, Thajland
  • Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisbon, Portugal
  • Provincial Specialist Hospital in Lublin - Department of Gynecology, Obstetrics Department with the Department of Pregnancy Pathology
  • University Children's Hospital, Department of Pediatric and Girls' Gynecology
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Most important publications:

Most important publications:

  • Doctoral dissertation "Predictors of depression among pregnant and perinatal women"
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  • English German